Lofoten 2020 (2021)
Three channel video installation, 30:00, UHD Video.
In this work, the viewer is presented with grand images, collected during an artist residency at Kunstkvarteret Lofoten, Leknes. A voice over tells the story of borders becoming visible in the wake of the 2020 pandemic that spread through the world during the production of the work. To the backdrop of the visually stunning summer landscape of Lofoten, normally filled with tourists but now almost empty due to the pandemic, the work investigates a wide spectrum of border crossings and their perceived ethical implications: The artist's own immigration, the (now missing) tourists as well as the parasites and viruses that enters the body.
This work was produced with the support of Norsk Fotografisk Fond and Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond
The work also exists in a two-channel edition. Get in touch if you’re interested in a video preview.